National Medical Awards, Strength in Unity

Introduction to the event

The ASAIPA National Medical Awards (NMA) have been created as a prestigious platform of honour for independent private health practitioners within South Africa. This prestige event is hosted annually by ASAIPA and once again will be made possible by the generosity of dedicated sponsors. There are five practitioner associations participating in the NMA, each association nominating and selecting its own candidate(s) internally.


The In-Person NMA Gala Event will take place on 2 June 2023 at The Houghton Hotel in Johannesburg.


Proudly Sponsored by

At Cipla, we are not mere manufacturers of medication. What we make are memories. Memories that may not have been there to be remembered, had a life not been lived. We make people better and we save lives. That’s why we don’t have a strategy, we have a cause. We don’t have a vision statement, we have vision. Some call it human care, we call it ‘Caring For life’.

Discovery Health is the leading medical scheme administrator in South Africa, providing administration and managed care services to over 3.7 million beneficiaries. The business has a market share of over 40% in the overall medical scheme market in South Africa and administers 18 restricted medical schemes administered on behalf of leading corporate clients, as well as the Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS), South Africa’s largest open medical scheme. Discovery Health successfully operates beyond traditional services, and provides ongoing product innovation, service excellence, effective claims risk and fraud management, and the management of the quality of clinical services accessed by our clients.

The Professional Provident Society (PPS) is the largest South African company of its kind that provides financial services exclusively for graduate professionals. PPS operates under the ethos of mutuality, which means that it exists solely for the benefit of its members.

PPS membership provides access to a comprehensive suite of financial and healthcare solutions that are specifically tailored to meet the needs of graduate professionals, including life insurance, short-term insurance, health professions indemnity, specialist support services, financial advisory, wealth advisory, investments and administers the Profmed Medical Scheme.

Members with qualifying products from PPS Insurance, PPS Investments, PPS Short-Term Insurance and Profmed share in the operating profits and losses of PPS Insurance, PPS Investments, PPS Short-Term Insurance and PPS Health Administrators annually through PPS’s unique Profit-Share* Account. After we have honoured all valid claims and covered the expenses of doing business, and set up reserves for future possible claims, we distribute what is left to our members with qualifying products, together with investment growth, either as claims or as allocations to their Profit-Share Accounts. So, the greater their contributions in these products, the greater is their part of the annual Profit-Share.

Visit for more information. PPS is a licensed insurer conducting life insurance business, a licensed controlling company and an authorised FSP.


This prestigious award is given to an individual who has made, and continues to make, an outstanding contribution to improving health and healthcare for all South Africans. An individual who has given a productive lifetime of distinguished service to medicine.

Dr. Visser had an illustrious career as an IPA leader in South Africa.  He worked as a gynaecologist in Bloemfontein, and it was during this time that he became interested in the welfare of family practitioners in private practice.  He was CEO of Asaipa after starting the alliance with a few national leaders in 2006.  It soon grew to have 2000 members and had the biggest national footprint of all the IPA’s in South Africa.  He later co- formed the IPA Foundation with the SAMCC, ASAIPA, SPNet and CPC Qualicare and became its first CEO.  Dr. Visser was an innovative and industrious leader in the healthcare industry and was widely respected by all his peers and all key opinion leaders in South African healthcare.


This award recognises private practice practitioners  contributing significantly to improving Primary Health Care (PHC) delivery.


This award recognizes organizations, groups or individuals, who exemplifies the qualities of dedicated leadership, to inspire impactful solutions within South Africa’s healthcare system that positively affect both patients and colleagues.


This is awarded to pioneers, innovators and influencers advancing Digital Healthcare in South Africa.


This award is given to an organisation, group or individual dedicating their time, skill and expertise to assist community advancement by making a positive effect on the health and wellbeing of the community.


This award is given to a Health Science student each year for exemplary dedication, commitment and leadership.


This award recognises final year students within South Africa who excelled in Academics, Leadership and their passion for serving in the community.

Award categories

NMA 2022 Award Winners

The Alliance of South Africa Independent Practitioners Associations (ASAIPA) is a National Network and Representative Organisation, representing the interest of 13 IPA’s, throughout South Africa.

Our purpose is to represent all primary healthcare practitioners in independent private practice to be part of a multi-disciplinary group and/or referral network of practitioners.

In ASAIPA independent practitioners form an alliance with other practitioners with similar interests in their area to mutually benefit from the union that they form locally and nationally.

Prof. Dion Du Plessis

Lifetime achievement award











BioKinetics SA Logo


The Science of Movement and the application of exercise in rehabilitative treatment of performance.

Biokinetics’ primary function is to improve physical functioning and health care through exercise as a modality.

Biokinetics is the profession concerned with health promotion, the maintenance of physical abilities and final phase rehabilitation, by means of scientifically-based physical activity programme prescription.

Dr Nceba Hene

HCP Excellence Award







The South African Association of Audiologists (SAAA) is an interest group originally formed by South African Audiologists in private practice, but since 2002, SAAA also represents and is supported by South African Audiologists employed in all fraternities.

The aim and purpose of SAAA is to develop and promote AUDIOLOGY to the public, medical and educational fraternities and other related healthcare professions. In the quest to promote audiology and in striving towards professional service excellence, SAAA actively liaises with statutory institutions e.g. HPCSA, medical aids, related professional associations / bodies etc.



The SA Optometric Association is a Professional Association registered as a Non-Profit Company (NPC) representing optometrists and dispensing opticians in South Africa. Membership of the SAOA encompasses all forms of practice modalities in the private sector including independent practice, group practice, and franchise models, as well as optometrists employed in the public sector, academia, and industry.

The main objective of the Association is to promote and protect the collective interests of its membership in good standing, and in so doing, promote the interests of the professions, generally, as well as the public.


HCP Excellence Award







South African society of Phisiotherapy

The SASP is a voluntary professional membership organisation committed to equal opportunities and inclusivity, and striving to support the demographic profile of South Africa in terms of race and gender. The SASP is Non-Profit Organisation, and part of our mission is to assist Government with the social and development needs of the country (SARS, 2014). The SASP is also a Public Benefit Organisation. We therefore strive to use our funds responsibly and solely for their stated objectives, without any personal gain being enjoyed by any person including the founders and the fiduciaries (SARS, 2014).

Rehab matters logo



Asaipa Young doctors Logo

The Young Doctors Merit Award, awarded to the top final year Medical Students in South Africa.






Prof. Dionisius Johann du Plessis was born on 7 August 1942 in Kempton Park and matriculated in 1962 at Hoërskool Florida. In 1966 he obtained the MBChB degree from the University of Pretoria, with two distinctions and in 1974 the M.Med (Chir) cumlaude and F.C.S (Uro). In the same year the Brebner medallion was also awarded to him.

After his internship-year from December 1966 until December 1967 in the old HF Verwoerd Hospital in Pretoria, he opened a private practice in Port Elizabeth for almost a year. In February 1970, he was appointed as Clinical Assistant in Urology at the HF Verwoerd Hospital and the University of Pretoria. He received the MMED (Chir) (cum laude) and the FCS (Uro) in the same year. He was appointed as First Urologist at the Kalafong Hospital and the University of Pretoria until 1977.

In November 1977, he was appointed as the first Professor and Head of the Department of Urology in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pretoria at the age of 32 years. He developed the department into an international department with two research units. From 1987 to 1993 he held the position of Deputy Dean at the Faculty. In 1995, he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and served in this position until April 2001. During his tenure he implemented the new MBChB problem based curriculum, skills laboratory and computer based laboratories in the Faculty of Health Sciences. He was actively involved as Chairman of the Building Committee of the new Academic Hospital in Pretoria (Steve Bike Academic Hospital).

In April 2001, he was appointed as Regional Director (Pretoria) at Netcare South Africa. He was appointed as the first Corporate Medical Director and Board member of the Hospital Division in the Netcare Group in 2003. He was responsible for the implementation of Clinical Governance in all the business units of Netcare. He served as a member of the Management Team (EXCO) of Netcare South Africa.

As visiting professor, he visited many Universities, among others, the Helsinki University Central Hospital in Finland, the University of the Free State, the University of the Witwatersrand and Buenos Aires. The honour of exceptional awards and bursaries was bestowed on Professor du Plessis on various occasions. In 1989 and 1992 he was appointed as Excellent Achiever at the University of Pretoria and also received the Noristan Gold Medal for exceptional Medical Service to South Africa. His most recent awards were the Albert Schweitzer Golden Medal, presented to him by the Presidium of the Albert Schweitzer World Academy of Medicine, on 4 May 2001 in Warsaw, Poland, and an Honorary Doctorate on 17 April 2002, by the University of Pretoria. He received a special award from Netcare for his achievements.

In September 2004, the Urological Society of South Africa presented him with a honorary award for outstanding service to the Urological fraternity and patients of South Africa.

In 2015, he received a Merit Award from the South African Medical Association.

He was a member of various local and international professional associations and serves on a number of committees, also as Chairperson. He also filled the position of President of the Pan African Urological Association of Surgeons.

He acted as convener and Chairperson of various National and International Conferences and was a member of the Editorial Boards of the British Journal of Urology, Journal of PAUSA, South African Medical Journal and Hospital Forum.

Professor du Plessis is an exceptional researcher, who has become most renowned in his field.

He was actively involved for many years with the South African College of Medicine and served as a member of educational committee and College Board. For many years he served as examiner and moderator of the FCS (Uro) and FCS (Intermediate).

He was appointed Corporate Medical Director of Netcare in January 2005 and became a member of the executive of Netcare South Africa in September 2005.

He has been appointed on the Board of the University of Pretoria as from October 2006 and a member of the Exco and HR Committee of the council. He is appointed by the MEC of Gauteng on the Advisory Committee for the HR Strategy Plan in Gauteng as from July 2008.

In September 2010, the Minister of Health appointed him on the Board of the Council for Medical Schemes.

Chairman of the Netcare Nursing College Council and serve on other Boards. His chairing many committees in the Medical aid environment as well as advisor to companies.

Apart from the many research papers and publications that were written by him, he has given lectures before distinguished audiences on various National and International Congresses. He was invited to Faculty of Health Sciences Research days to adjudicate research presentations (Universities of Pretoria and OFS) and presented keynote addresses.

He is registered at the Health Professions Council of South Africa as a Medical Practitioner and Specialist in Urology.

He went on pension on 1 March 2008 and is currently involved with consultative work at Netcare as Medical Director of the Transplant Division and Medscheme South Africa.

He is involved in a leadership role in his community.

Professor du Plessis is married to Ria and they have three children and six grandchildren.



Dr. Vhuahani Stephen Ramasuvha

Birth: 14- 04-1945 in Sibasa, Limpopo Province

University of Natal in 1963 in Durban to do Medicine where he worked.

Worked at King Edward VIII Hospital and MC Cord Hospital both in Durban from 1970 to June 1971 when he went to Appelsbosch Luthern Hospital in 1971 July till September 1976.

Dr. Ramasuvha left to go back home to open a private practice in October 1976 where he also lectured to student nurses at the local Nursing College.

He did part-time work at the local Clinics and became a member of Medical Parole Advisory Board in July 2015 until now.


Degree in Medicine from the University of the Free State in 1984. Internship year and then SA Defense Force from 1985 – 1988. In private practice as a General Practitioner since 1989, until present. CEO and Director of Cairnhall Hospital since 2005. Started Elite Med 24 (Pty Ltd) in 1996 at Hydromed Hospital (Medi-Clinic), which was also the first independent company to operate a 24-hour Emergency Unit at a Private Hospital in South Africa. Since Elite Med 24’s inception, the concept has spread to other SA hospitals. At Elite Med 24, I was the Chairman and CEO from 1996 to 2001. Resigned at the end of 2001.

Executive Board Member of Oranjemed IPA representing all the doctors in Free State, Northern Cape, northern part of the Eastern Cape and the western part of Northwest from 1996. Chairperson of Oranjemed since 2001 and the Chairperson of ASAIPA since 2006, of which Oranjemed is a member.

ASAIPA is a National Organization consisting of 13 IPAs from across the country and whose 13 IPA Chairpersons form the Board of ASAIPA. From the Board, the Chairman and an Exco are elected.

CEO and Chairman of Flexor Pty, which is the business arm of Oranjemed. Oranjemed is an NGO organization and all Oranjemed members are then also the Shareholders within Flexor.

CEO, Chairman and Manager of Cairnhall Investment Holding (Pty Ltd) trading as Cairnhall Private Hospital in Bloemfontein. CEO and Chairman of Cairnhall Properties (Pty Ltd) who is the owner of the buildings in which Cairnhall Private Hospital is. located.


MBBCH degree from Wits University, a Diploma in Occupational Health, a Diploma in HIV Management, Travel Medicine Certificate, Masters of Science in Sports Medicine and a Masters in Business Administration Degree from GIBS.

A Social Entrepreneur with a passion for providing affordable healthcare and wellness solutions for South Africa. Started as a Sole General Practitioner in Vryburg 19 years ago in 2002, then co-founded U-Care Medical Centres in 2013. quadcare was then born in 2019


  • 2016 Social Entrepreneurship Regional Business Achiever
  • Queer Warrior 2020
  • Santam Woman Of The Future 2020
  • Feather Awards Role Model of the Year 2020

Boards Memberships:

  • Chairperson of Forum For the Empowerment of Women (FEW
  • Executive Director Queerwell NPO
  • Member of the SA HIV Clinicians Society
  • Member of Professional Association for Transgender Health (PATH)
  • Member of Aurum Key Populations Advisory Board.
  • Board Member EO Johannesburg (GSEA Chair)
  • Founder and CEO DDR Foundation

Media: A regular guest on Alex Fm, Jozi Fm, Metro Fm and Kaya Fm and contribute weekly to the Citizen Newspaper and Bona Magazine

Website link: – The quadcare Story


Dr A. J. G. “HAGGIS “Black.

Born in 1948 and brought up in the then Rhodesia.

Qualified from U C T with MBChB in 1974.

Extensive emergency surgical and medical experience working in Harare, Mpilo,  Que Que and Kariba Hospitals as District Med Officer..

Senior Reg at Harare Maternity Hospital, gaining Diploma in Midwifrey.1979

Senior Medical Officer at Settlers Hospital and Frere Hospital gaining Diploma in Anaesthetics.1982

Private practice in Adelaide for last 40yrs.

Presently in private practice in Adelaide.

Served on many local “Boards” School committees, Adelaide Board of Aid.

Established Nursing Bursary Fund for our local matric graduates.

Established Syndromic Snake Bite Management protocol.

Mountain Biking, Hiking, Clay Target shooting are leisure pursuits.

Wild life Photography and animal behaviour with innumerable images published.

Production of an annual calendar the proceeds donated to CANSA.

Greatest weakness is practice administration and remain indebted to IPA`s for direction and guidance…without them would probably be insolvent!!

In my twilight years it is my pleasure and passion to pass on to the younger generation the excitement and love of medicine …the cornerstones of which remain competency, care and compassion.


Dr Mohammed Kaka is a General Medical Practitioner and resident of the West Rand in Gauteng province, who embodies the spirit of Ubuntu. Highly dedicated and philanthropic by nature, he always aspires to provide superior and quality health care service to patients in the community and beyond.

Education and Experience
A MBBCh graduate of the class of 1997 from the prestigious Wits Medical School in Parktown in Johannesburg, he embarked on his medical career as an intern at the Leratong Hospital in Krugersdorp and completed his two-year community service at Gelukspan Hospital in the North West Province in SA.

His entry into private medical practice was the setting which exposed him to the need for affordable, accessible and quality healthcare including the impact of socio economical disparity on the average South African patient. Dr Mohammed Kaka has selflessly served the community of the West Rand over the past 26 years.


With the assistance of like- minded individuals, on the 17th August 2020, he founded the Baytul Aafiyaa Medical Centre in the suburb of Azaadville, in the city of Krugersdorp. The Clinic is an NPO Medical facility providing after hours medical care to the local and indigent population.

He currently serves as Chairman of the Centre and provides a Pro Bono service in his individual capacity. The Clinic is unique in that it provides a minimal fee for medical testing and treatment. Services rendered by the dedicated medical personnel include home visits to the elderly and severely ill patients, social services and counselling . (1)

Other Achievements, Affiliations & Executive Positions

  • Current Secretary of the West Rand branch of the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa. (IMA) (1)
  • 17th May 2021:Establishment of the Azaadville Covid Centre (with assistance of community volunteers) This was the first of its kind in South Africa
  • Aug and Sep 2021: Another of his accolades was the successful hosting (with the assistance of a team of medical doctors, pharmacists, and nurses) of the Gauteng DOH and its team to Roll out the first Covid vaccines in the Azaadville community and surrounding areas. (2)
  • Dr Mohammed Kaka is also passionate about education. He is the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Azaadville Muslim School and Bursary Committee.
  • He conceptualised and formed the Green Team, a voluntary organisation tasked with “greenification” and pursuing alternative, affordable and sustainable sources of Energy for the community of Azaadville.



I am Biokineticist with over 20 years’ experience, specializing in corporate wellness and high-performance sport. I hold a PhD in Biokinetics from the University of Pretoria.

As a practicing Biokineticist, I consulted for SA Rugby for 10 years during which I had the privilege of being involved at the 2006 15s Women’s Rugby World Cup and 2009 Sevens Rugby World Cup.  I have also been the Biokineticist for SA National Netball; team, advisor for the Western Cape Sports Academy and a part-time lecturer at the University of the Western Cape and Tshwane University of Technology.

My experiences as a high-performance coach and lecturer with commerce qualifications has provided me with the opportunity to work in Corporate in leadership roles within the Health and Financial sectors. I have been responsible for designing wellness solutions, acquiring, and managing health and fitness partners, and driving the member engagement.

As a Biokineticist in corporate, I have observed a high the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) which led me to studying towards a PhD. My thesis investigated the effectiveness of a scientifically based lifestyle intervention in preventing and managing NCDs using social media. My study concluded that a scientifically based Facebook lifestyle intervention programme with online health professional support of a Dietician and Biokineticist is effective in improving certain NCD risk factors. These findings have been published in international journals and I was invited to present them at the 2022 American College of Medicine Conference in San Diego, USA.

Link to relevant website/photos/projects

Biokineticist Dr. Nceba Hene taking Biokinetics to the World – ACSM presentation and beyond

Nceba Hene research profiled by the University of Pretoria.

Hene, N., Wood, P., Schwellnus, M., Jordaan, E., & Laubscher, R. (2021). High prevalence of non-communicable diseases risk factors in 36,074 South African financial sector employees: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63(2), 159-165. doi: 10.1097/JOM.000000000000210

Hene, N., Wood, P., Schwellnus, M., Jordaan, E., & Laubscher, R. (2021). Repeated Annual Health Risk Assessments With Intervention Did Not Reduce 10-year Cardiovascular Disease Risk: A 4-year Longitudinal Study in 13,737 Financial Sector Employees. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63(10), 881-888.

Hene, N., Wood, P., Schwellnus, M., Jordaan, E., & Laubscher, R. (2022). Social Network Lifestyle Interventions Reduce Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factors in Financial Sector Employees: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64(4), 278-286.

Hene NM, Bassett SH, Andrews BS. (2011), Physical fitness of elite women’s rugby union players. African Journal Physical Health Education Recreation Dance; 17 (3):1-8.

Hene NM, Bassett SH (2013). Changes in the physical fitness of elite women’s rugby union players over a competitive season. South African Journal of Sports Medicine; 25(2):47-50.

Career as a Biokineticist


Dr. Takalani Muluvhu was born in September 1985 and grew up at Davhana- Balanganani Village, in the Vuwani Area of the Limpopo Province. Studied at the Univen (Bsc. Biokinetics), NWU (Msc. Biokinetics, Cum Laude), and Ph.D. Human Movement Science at North-West University. Worked as a Biokineticist and Wellness Coordinator at Ndawo Wellness (EOH health) and Pinnacle health solutions for 6 years (2007- 2012). Previously a Lecturer and Biokinetics Program Leader at the University of Venda for Four years (2012-2016). Passionate about health and wellness among employees. Currently working as a Lecturer and Course Coordinator Biokinetics at Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria campus, Department of Sport, Rehabilitation and Dental Sciences.  I served in the Biokinetics Association of South Africa as a Director Public sector from 2013-2022. I served at the Health Professional Council of South Africa as a Board member for the Physiotherapy, Podiatry, and Biokinetics Board from 2017-2022. I have published six articles in peer-reviewed journals and two chapters in a Book.  Furthermore, Dr. Takalani is a proud member and active contributor to the Biokinetic Association of South Africa (BASA) and registered Biokineticist with the Health Professional Council of South Africa.

Dr. Aayesha Kholvadia

Dr. Aayesha Kholvadia is a Biokineticist, Senior Lecturer and Acting HOD at the Human Movement Science Department, located within the Faculty of Health Sciences at Nelson Mandela University.  Aayesha’s research focuses on health and wellness promotion through the utilisation of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary therapies for optimal patient outcomes in rehabilitation medicine.


Aayesha has published 7 articles in peer-reviewed journals with 3 articles in review focusing on health promotion, the multidisciplinary team in rehabilitation, photobiomodulation therapy and the discipline of biokinetics.  She is a proud member of the Childhood Hypertension Consortium of South Africa, working on establishing blood pressure normative data in South African children.  Dr Kholvadia believes that healthcare has moved beyond Medical vs Allied practitioners, to a more integrated healthcare paradigm.  She has worked and continues to add to the notion of interdisciplinary services for optimal patient care and outcomes.

Further, Dr Kholvadia is a reviewer for 3 journals and is on the editorial board for the South African Journal of Islamic Medical Association. Aayesha received her PhD from Wits and is a frequent presenter at national and international conferences.  Dr Kholvadia is a proud member and active contributor the Biokinetic Association of South Africa (BASA), South African Sport Medicine Association (SASMA), Islamic Medical Association (IMA), AFRI-VIPE , TUFH (Towards unity for Health), Childhood Hypertension Consortium South Africa (CHCSA), and Healthy Active Kids SA (HAKSA).

Links to sites:


Mari is a registered Biokineticist with close to two decades (19 years) experience of private practice work. Her private practice’s focus is to enable people to move better and become healthier by providing them with the tools & ‘recipes’ specific to their needs to manage their injuries and chronic conditions. In her time as a private Biokineticist, Mari has touched the lives of hundreds of patients, with an impressive client list including professional athletes to the general population. In addition to the demands of private practice, Mari is the business lead for Discovery Vitality’s physical activity portfolio. The scope of her role in Vitality includes new product development, maintaining scientific rigor of Vitality’s physical activity portfolio and developing initiatives that increase fitness engagement among not only Vitality members but the broader South African population. Mari also hosts corporate workshops around the importance of physical activity in the fight against early mortality and chronic disease development.

Her first project at Discovery Vitality was to revamp the Vitality Fitness Assessment in collaboration with the Vitality R & D team. In addition to the Fitness Assessment, she strived to enable Biokineticists with a toolkit that creates an opportunity for them to use their Biokinetics skills to assist Vitality members to become fitter and more physically active.


Professor Karen Welman of the Division of Movement Science and Exercise Therapy at Stellenbosch University initiated the Tygerberg Biokinetics Pediatric Rheumatology (TBPR) Community Clinic in May 2021. No Biokineticist was available then to run the clinic until Su-ané Zwiegelaar was employed in July 2021. Consequently, the clinic has been functioning smoothly in collaboration with the Movement Laboratories at Stellenbosch University and the specialist pediatric rheumatology clinic of Dr. Dee Raju Abraham at Tygerberg Hospital. Since our establishment, we have consulted approximately 130 children and provided home programs for approximately 90 children.

Children consulted in the clinic are diagnosed with rheumatological conditions, such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis, juvenile dermatomyositis, and hypermobility spectrum disorder. On Tuesdays, each patient attending their specialist physician visit is counseled by the Biokineticist on the health benefits of exercise and provided with an exercise flyer. Children are also invited to attend an in-person Biokinetics consultation, where assessments are conducted to prescribe an individualized scientific-based exercise home program. Here, Honors Biokinetics students are also provided the opportunity to shadow sessions. Hence the clinic provides a student educational platform as well.

The clinic setup could be better, as some patients are lost between the processes of patient counseling and follow-up. Such loss is related to a lack of funding and transportation difficulties to attend such sessions. However, we do our best to provide each child with the best service possible. Instilling physical activity at the grassroots will improve child participation in physical activity and allow them to gain the health benefits thereof all throughout their life.


This is my 10th year I’ve been an Audiologist. I became one to help my father who has quite a significant hearing loss. In my time here, I’ve been fortunate to have had an opportunity to train community service Audiologist who have went on to have great careers as a result of the varied cases we have in this Tertiary institution.

We were able to start up services for difficult to test populations by purchasing ABR equipment. We started up universal hearing screening which we carry out during weekends as well so as to not miss any babies born over weekends.

We pride ourselves providing the best service in a government institution. Every device fitted in verified objectively with state of the art equipment from our partners (Amtronix). I’m fortunate in being the hearing aid representative for the province and I’m able to assist institutions to augment the assistive device budget with the help of the Northwest provincial office.


Peter Brauer qualified as an optometrist 1977 and joined Saks and Taylor Optometrists, one of the oldest practices in the country, where he continues to practice full-time. He developed a passion for contact lens fitting as a result of being exposed to the specialised fitting of rigid lenses by his mentors in the practice, Sid Saks, Brian Saks and Vincent Taylor and as a result spends a large percentage of his time fitting contact lenses on irregular corneas.

Over the years, Peter has served the profession of Optometry in various capacities, initially as branch chairman of the Northern Transvaal (SAOA), then as a councillor on the SAOA Council, a Director of the SAOA and finally as President of the SAOA for 18 months. He still continues to serve on the SAOA Coding Committee Committee.

Peter joined the Contact Lens Society of SA (CLSSA) and after a few years of serving on the committee became President of the Society. He was involved in the organization of a few very successful international congresses presented by the CLSSA, with particular involvement in the Papers Program. Contact Lens education has been one of his interests and he has been an examiner and moderator for final year Contact Lenses for many years.He has also lectured and presented papers at previous SAOA and CLSSA Congresses, as well as talks at various seminars.

In essence, Peter is a highly respected opinion- leader and role model, who has positively influenced the lives of many practitioner, and his patients, from both clinical and ethical perspectives.  As optometry is to be regarded as the primary eye care profession, Peter has certainly contributed significantly to improving the primary health care delivery in South Africa.


Professor Khathutshelo Percy Mashige is a Full Professor and current Dean and Head of School of Health Sciences at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the African Vision Research Institute (AVRI) and has established and developed close relations with scientific organisations and academics in South Africa and abroad through the African Vision Research Institute (AVRI). He is a founding member of the African Translational Research Group (AfrTRG) and the Centre for Eye Care and Public Health Intervention Initiative (CEPHII), which are forums of African researchers across the globe to stimulate greater collaboration in Africa in health-related research.

Prof Mashige is the Chairperson of the Education Committee of the Professional Board for Optometry and Dispensing Opticians (PBODO) and the Chairperson of the Global Institute for Entrepreneurship and Ethics (GIEE). He is the current Chairperson of the African Eye Institute (AEI) and serves on the Advisory Board of the South African Health Review. Professor Mashige is a National Research Foundation (NRF) rated scientist and an Associate Editor of the UK-based journal BMC Ophthalmology. He has published more than 100 scientific articles in national and international journals.

His numerous accolades include being a recipient of the Economic and Social Research Council’s Impact Acceleration Award of the UK, South Africa-Netherlands Partnership on Alternatives in Development Award, and the South African Medical Research Council National Health Award.

Link to relevant website/photos/projects:


I was born in Soweto, as the eldest of two siblings. I received my primary education in Naledi and later moved to Ga-Marishane in Limpopo, where I completed high school. Thereafter, I studied optometry at the University of Limpopo (then, the University of the North).

My love for optometry and eye care developed during the time spent with my late grandfather. He had a cataract removed when I was still young and he was subsequently dependent on his thick-rimmed spectacles to read his daily newspaper, which he often invited me to read. This episode was instrumental in highlighting the importance of eyesight for reading and learning to me.  Upon completing my studies, I started a practice in Vereeniging where I enjoyed hosting and serving the elderly on welfare days. During these events, they would receive eye care services at subsidized rates. As I was serving, my leadership skills blossomed. I rallied local optometrists and encouraged them to cooperate, improve our skills and participate in the “politics” of the profession. In 2006, the South African Optometric Association (SAOA) elected me to serve as a director and later as its president. The position entailed advocating for accessible and affordable eye care services to the indigent population in both the private and public sectors.

During my tenure as the SAOA president, I was elected the general secretary of the African Council of Optometry (AFCO). My role was to promote unity and standardization of the optometric profession in the African continent. Earlier in 2002, I joined Special Olympics as a clinical volunteer to provide eye care services to people with intellectual disabilities. In 2009, I received training to be a regional clinical advisor for Special Olympics Africa. This role involved training other African optometrists, through Special Olympics Opening Eyes programs, to become clinical directors to lead the provision of eye care services to people with intellectual disabilities in their own countries. I trained clinical directors in Nigeria, Zambia, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, and Malawi.

A year later, in 2010, I formed Bona Bolo Eye Care Project as a vehicle for the provision of eye care services for needy learners in South Africa. Over the past 12 years, Bona Bolo, as an entity, managed to provide eye screening services to over 13,000 learners from low-quintile schools in different provinces of South Africa. Furthermore, we also issued over a thousand pairs of spectacles, to learners who had refractive errors. Bona Bolo cooperates with local optometrists and unemployed youth, to afford them opportunities to volunteer and serve their communities according to their abilities.

In 2015 I completed a Masters in Public Health (MPH) at Salus University, in Pennsylvania, United States of America. A year later, in 2016, I joined Special Olympics International (SOI), as a Manager of Partnerships in Inclusive Health, advancing the provision of disability-inclusive health services to improve the health outcomes of people with intellectual disabilities globally.

On the home front, my husband and I are raising three children. Regarding my purpose, I gather my desires and strength from knowing that I was created to serve God and I live to glorify Him.


Jevon Moodley has recently finished his Bachelor of Optometry degree at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal.

He has a love for optometry as well as for helping people. However, his passion includes God and doing God’s work. He is a member of the Children’s Bread Ministry, which involves giving out food parcels in townships, spreading the good news, and praying for people in distress with his fellow servants.

 He owes all his success to Christ and is convinced that this is just the beginning of something great.


After 13 years of delivering neurorehabilitation services in the prosperous suburbs of Northern Johannesburg, RehabMatters asked itself what long-lasting and meaningful contribution it was making to the reputation and responsibility of its industry. The reflections led them to the realization that their private practice was offering high-quality care to only a few and that millions of people living in South Africa had no prospect of ever being able to access high-quality rehabilitation services. There was further reflection. There was creative innovation. There was consultation with other organisations and academic colleagues at The University Of The Witwatersrand. In 2015, a RehabMatters Out-Patient Unit was opened in Dobsonville, Soweto and geographical accessibility barriers to care were broken down. To overcome the financial barriers of accessibility, services were designed to be low-cost but high-quality. After 7 years of operating many lessons have been learnt, many lives have been changed and many barriers to accessibility of care have been broken down. We hope to inspire other private practices to follow suit and be challenged by their reputation and responsibility for our precious industry.

Link to website –


My name is Ruvasha Govender. I grew up in Johannesburg and I am currently completing a medical degree at the University of Pretoria (final year). I decided early on in my career that I was going to do more than was expected as a student, as inspired by the hard-working and dedicated seniors in the faculty. I was involved in the various societies our campus had to offer, including the Tuks Children’s Trust (with leadership roles of Public Relations and Chairperson in 2019), Tuks Friends of MSF (Vice Chairperson 2018/2019), as well as a member of the Tuks Surgical Society. These committees provided me with the platform to be an advocate for the health and to give back to our community in a meaningful way. Projects included health screening days, outreaches directed at assisting non-profit organizations, and exciting fundraising activities. This was very much in line with my interests as a future practitioner, as I have a passion for Paediatrics and child health, and Neurosurgery. Becoming a field worker for Doctors without borders forms a large part of my rationale for choosing to study medicine in the first place.

What drives me most is my desire to constantly learn, coupled with an intense fear of mediocrity. A hobby is defined as a regular activity that brings joy in one’s life – by that virtue, studying is definitely one of my hobbies. I also find inspiration in the arts, such as painting and design.

To experience this world through its beautiful people- I believe that is the ultimate privilege of being a doctor.


Makabongwe Chido Kaseke is a 24 year old medical student from Stellenbosch University. She was born and bred in Johannesburg and was actually born at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital. This is, coincidentally, the same hospital where she will be completing her Internship, starting next year.

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