The ASAIPA National Medical Awards (NMA) have been created as a prestigious platform of honour for independent private health practitioners within South Africa. This prestige event is hosted annually by ASAIPA and once again will be made possible by the generosity of dedicated sponsors. There are five practitioner associations participating in the NMA, each association nominating and selecting its own candidate(s) internally.
The In-Person NMA Gala Event will take place on 2 June 2023 at The Houghton Hotel in Johannesburg.
Proudly Sponsored by
At Cipla, we are not mere manufacturers of medication. What we make are memories. Memories that may not have been there to be remembered, had a life not been lived. We make people better and we save lives. That’s why we don’t have a strategy, we have a cause. We don’t have a vision statement, we have vision. Some call it human care, we call it ‘Caring For life’.
Discovery Health is the leading medical scheme administrator in South Africa, providing administration and managed care services to over 3.7 million beneficiaries. The business has a market share of over 40% in the overall medical scheme market in South Africa and administers 18 restricted medical schemes administered on behalf of leading corporate clients, as well as the Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS), South Africa’s largest open medical scheme. Discovery Health successfully operates beyond traditional services, and provides ongoing product innovation, service excellence, effective claims risk and fraud management, and the management of the quality of clinical services accessed by our clients.
The Professional Provident Society (PPS) is the largest South African company of its kind that provides financial services exclusively for graduate professionals. PPS operates under the ethos of mutuality, which means that it exists solely for the benefit of its members.
PPS membership provides access to a comprehensive suite of financial and healthcare solutions that are specifically tailored to meet the needs of graduate professionals, including life insurance, short-term insurance, health professions indemnity, specialist support services, financial advisory, wealth advisory, investments and administers the Profmed Medical Scheme.
Members with qualifying products from PPS Insurance, PPS Investments, PPS Short-Term Insurance and Profmed share in the operating profits and losses of PPS Insurance, PPS Investments, PPS Short-Term Insurance and PPS Health Administrators annually through PPS’s unique Profit-Share* Account. After we have honoured all valid claims and covered the expenses of doing business, and set up reserves for future possible claims, we distribute what is left to our members with qualifying products, together with investment growth, either as claims or as allocations to their Profit-Share Accounts. So, the greater their contributions in these products, the greater is their part of the annual Profit-Share.
Visit for more information. PPS is a licensed insurer conducting life insurance business, a licensed controlling company and an authorised FSP.
This prestigious award is given to an individual who has made, and continues to make, an outstanding contribution to improving health and healthcare for all South Africans. An individual who has given a productive lifetime of distinguished service to medicine.

Dr. Visser had an illustrious career as an IPA leader in South Africa. He worked as a gynaecologist in Bloemfontein, and it was during this time that he became interested in the welfare of family practitioners in private practice. He was CEO of Asaipa after starting the alliance with a few national leaders in 2006. It soon grew to have 2000 members and had the biggest national footprint of all the IPA’s in South Africa. He later co- formed the IPA Foundation with the SAMCC, ASAIPA, SPNet and CPC Qualicare and became its first CEO. Dr. Visser was an innovative and industrious leader in the healthcare industry and was widely respected by all his peers and all key opinion leaders in South African healthcare.
This award recognises private practice practitioners contributing significantly to improving Primary Health Care (PHC) delivery.
This award recognizes organizations, groups or individuals, who exemplifies the qualities of dedicated leadership, to inspire impactful solutions within South Africa’s healthcare system that positively affect both patients and colleagues.
This award is given to an organisation, group or individual dedicating their time, skill and expertise to assist community advancement by making a positive effect on the health and wellbeing of the community.
This award recognises final year students within South Africa who excelled in Academics, Leadership and their passion for serving in the community.
Award categories
- Lex Visser Lifetime Achievement Award
- HCP Excellence Award
- Healthcare Leadership Award
- Digital Healthcare Innovation Award
- Community Service Award
- Health Science Student Award
- Young Doctors Merit Award
NMA 2022 Award Winners

The Alliance of South Africa Independent Practitioners Associations (ASAIPA) is a National Network and Representative Organisation, representing the interest of 13 IPA’s, throughout South Africa.
Our purpose is to represent all primary healthcare practitioners in independent private practice to be part of a multi-disciplinary group and/or referral network of practitioners.
In ASAIPA independent practitioners form an alliance with other practitioners with similar interests in their area to mutually benefit from the union that they form locally and nationally.

The Science of Movement and the application of exercise in rehabilitative treatment of performance.
Biokinetics’ primary function is to improve physical functioning and health care through exercise as a modality.
Biokinetics is the profession concerned with health promotion, the maintenance of physical abilities and final phase rehabilitation, by means of scientifically-based physical activity programme prescription.

The South African Association of Audiologists (SAAA) is an interest group originally formed by South African Audiologists in private practice, but since 2002, SAAA also represents and is supported by South African Audiologists employed in all fraternities.
The aim and purpose of SAAA is to develop and promote AUDIOLOGY to the public, medical and educational fraternities and other related healthcare professions. In the quest to promote audiology and in striving towards professional service excellence, SAAA actively liaises with statutory institutions e.g. HPCSA, medical aids, related professional associations / bodies etc.

The SA Optometric Association is a Professional Association registered as a Non-Profit Company (NPC) representing optometrists and dispensing opticians in South Africa. Membership of the SAOA encompasses all forms of practice modalities in the private sector including independent practice, group practice, and franchise models, as well as optometrists employed in the public sector, academia, and industry.
The main objective of the Association is to promote and protect the collective interests of its membership in good standing, and in so doing, promote the interests of the professions, generally, as well as the public.

The SASP is a voluntary professional membership organisation committed to equal opportunities and inclusivity, and striving to support the demographic profile of South Africa in terms of race and gender. The SASP is Non-Profit Organisation, and part of our mission is to assist Government with the social and development needs of the country (SARS, 2014). The SASP is also a Public Benefit Organisation. We therefore strive to use our funds responsibly and solely for their stated objectives, without any personal gain being enjoyed by any person including the founders and the fiduciaries (SARS, 2014).